觀察 KSR international 有感


作者:蔡依橙 醫師





看到韓國放射學會 KSR International,在這幾個月,積極的到各個國家去辦 Joint activity,增進彼此認識,並積極運作韓國為亞洲影像中心,非常羨慕,學到很多。




Seeing KSR Dr. Jongmin Lee posting photos with many different countries’ radiology society, I really respect the ambition of KSR: always go international, always aspiring for excellence! I learned very much from them.


Vision, and action, are both very important in this globalization era.





本篇發表於 短篇評論 並標籤為 交流, 南韓, 國際化, 學會, 學術, 專業, 拓展, 文化, 積極, 舞台, 韓國。將永久鏈結加入書籤。